The Newest Real Estate Development in Vacherie!
The Newest Real Estate Development in Vacherie!
All service utilities, including electrical power, will be underground for all interior lots of the subdivision. Electrical service for highway lots will be overhead utility lines.
Decorative street lighting will be provided throughout the interior lots of the subdivision.
Curb and gutter drainage will be installed in all interior lots throughout the subdivision with no open ditches. This will provide for improved street and lot drainage, easier yard maintenance, and saves the homeowner from having to install culverts.
All subdivision lots, including highway lots, will be provided a centralized sewerage treatment system as part of the utilities. This will alleviate the need for homeowners to install and maintain a personal sewerage treatment system, which provides the homeowner a substantial cost savings during construction and over the lifetime of the home.
Currently, all lots in the subdivision are listed in a FEMA flood zone that typically does not REQUIRE flood insurance. Additionally, if flood insurance coverage is chosen voluntarily, this flood zoning drastically reduces flood insurance premiums.
All remaining highway lots are priced from $70,000 and up depending on size and location. (Prices are subject to change without notice) For interest in any of the homes being constructed please contact the developer.
1.) No lot in this subdivision shall be used for any purpose other than single-family residential. No commercial activities of any kind shall be conducted in this subdivision.
2.) No lot in this subdivision shall be re-subdivided, except where two (2) or more owners desire to purchase a common lot between them to be further sub-divided in order to increase the width of their respective properties. This shall not prevent the owner of two (2) or more adjacent lots from combining them, altering their interlinear drainage, and constructing thereon a single dwelling.
3.) No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot in this subdivision other than one (1) detached single-family dwelling. However, detached buildings shall be allowed for playhouses, barbecue houses, garages, etc., if (a) the maximum area used by any such detached building does not exceed thirty (30%) percent of any lot area; and (b) any such building shall be built on site of the same architectural quality as the main dwelling.
4.) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in this subdivision unless said dwelling contains at least 1,600 square feet of living area exclusive of carports or garages, in the case of a single story dwelling, or less than 1,200 square feet exclusive of carports or garages, on the ground floor, in the case of multi-story dwellings, but no less than 1,600 square feet total living area in said dwelling.
5.) Slab elevation to be a minimum of six (6’) feet elevation to a maximum of seven (7’) feet elevation; except where slab cannot be twelve (12”) inches above center line of roadway - whereby in that particular case, elevation is to be twelve (12”) inches above center line.
6.) No dwelling shall be constructed on a foundation of less than the following condition(s):
a. A solid concrete slab;
b. A raised foundation with architecturally compatible screening; &
c. All buildings must be protected by a licensed exterminator for termite protection.
7.) No metal or corrugated fiberglass roof(s) will be used in the construction or any dwelling or detached building in this subdivision - without Developer’s prior written approval.
8.) The exterior walls shall be brick, vinyl siding, stucco and/or wood.
9.) The mailbox shall be Barcelona mailbox, as designated by the Developer herein. Lot Owner(s) shall be responsible for any and all cost(s) incurred with said mailbox.
10.) No dwelling previously constructed shall be moved in whole - or in part - on any lot in this subdivision, without Developer’s prior written consent.
11.) No house trailer shall be placed on any lot and/or used as a dwelling in this subdivision.
12.) No building shall be located on any lot in this subdivision nearer to the front lot line than thirty (30’) feet - measured from the roofline.
13.) No residence in this subdivision shall be nearer to an interior or side lot line than ten (10’) feet nor nearer to the rear lot line than ten (10’) feet - measured from the roofline.
14.) No fence, wall or other similar structure shall be erected nearer to the front of the lot line than the front sill of the dwelling. No fence shall be greater than six (6’) feet in height although decorative columns shall be allowed to extend up to twelve (12”) inches above primary fence. No chain-link fence is allowed. Fences should be constructed of brick, stucco, wrought iron, redwood, cedar, vinyl, and/or similar construction.
15.) No privy, port-a-let and/or outdoor toilet shall be allowed in this subdivision except for the use of a builder or his employees - during the period of construction of a residential building in this subdivision.
16.) Any and all Lot Owner(s) shall keep the grass, weeds, and vegetation on their Lot mowed and trimmed at regular intervals so as to maintain the same neat and attractive manner.
17.) The keeping of animals, other than those generally recognized as household pets and kept within the confines of this lot, is prohibited within this subdivision.
18.) No signs shall be permitted in this subdivision, with the exception of:
a. Such sign(s) as the developer shall deem necessary to promote the sale of his lot(s);
b. One sign of not more than five (5) square feet advertising any house or lot for sale; &
c. Contractor’s sign(s) are not more than five (5) square feet during the period of construction only.
19.) There shall be no dumping of any garbage and/or trash of any kind - on any street or lot in this subdivision; except for the collection of garbage trash, etc. in sanitary containers pending collection by a verified garbage collection service provider.
20.) There shall be no dumping of excess concrete and/or building materials - of any - kind into any part of the drainage system, or onto any street or lot in this subdivision other than onto the lot of the owner.
21.) No vehicle shall be abandoned and/or junked in this subdivision by any lot owner, nor shall said lot owner permit others to do so. Overnight parking on the street is prohibited.
22.) Servitudes for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat. Within the easement area as shown on the plat, no structure may be constructed. No planting of any kind shall be allowed within such easement areas which in any way interfere with, damage, and/or obstruct the installation or maintenance of any utilities in such area, nor change or restrict the flow of water through any drainage channel(s) in the area.
23.) The easement area shall be maintained continuously by the lot owner, except for those improvements placed thereon by public authority and/or private utility company. It shall be the responsibility of such public authority and/or private utility company to maintain such facilities at all times. The owner may enjoy full use of such area or areas, with the exclusions noted herein. However, said owner shall at all times allow ingress and egress by properly constituted agents of such utility(ies) to the easement area.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or if you would be interested in signing a purchase agreement on a lot.
Ricky Reulet 225-206-1611
Janie Becnel 225-206-1609
Evan Becnel 225-405-3448
Sugarview Estates Highway 20, Vacherie, Louisiana 70090
Sugarview Estates Subdivision
Sugarview Estates Hwy 20 Vacherie, LA 70090 US
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